Delve into the intriguing world of Dancing Goat Death's Door Gin, a premium spirit that pays homage to Washington Island's maritime heritage and the bounty of the Midwest. Crafted with a meticulous blend of juniper berries, coriander, and fennel sourced from the Washington Island area, this gin offers a unique and flavorful experience.
In the glass, Dancing Goat Death's Door Gin presents a crystal-clear appearance. The aroma is fresh and aromatic, with prominent notes of juniper upfront, complemented by hints of citrus zest and a subtle earthiness.
On the palate, it unfolds with a smooth and balanced profile, showcasing flavors of juniper berries, spicy coriander, and a touch of licorice-like fennel. The gin's botanicals harmonize seamlessly, delivering a clean and refreshing taste that is both approachable and complex.
The finish is crisp and enduring, leaving a lingering impression of juniper and a faint herbal note. Dancing Goat Death's Door Gin is perfect for classic gin cocktails like martinis and gin and tonics, as well as for exploring new mixology creations that highlight its distinctive Midwest character.
Discover Dancing Goat Death's Door Gin at Folsom Wine & Spirits, where we specialize in offering a curated selection of high-quality and artisanal spirits for discerning enthusiasts.