Harahorn Small Batch Gin is a premium gin that originates from the wild and rugged nature of Norway. Handcrafted in small batches, this gin is made from carefully selected botanicals that reflect the diverse flora found in the Norwegian mountains.
With a complex yet balanced flavor profile, Harahorn Small Batch Gin is an adventurous spirit that takes you on a journey through the Nordic wilderness. It has a juniper-forward taste, balanced by notes of citrus, coriander, and an array of botanicals that give it a distinct character.
Harahorn Small Batch Gin is carefully distilled using traditional methods, and the result is a premium gin with a smooth texture and a rich, vibrant color. The gin is perfect for mixing in a variety of cocktails, but it is also smooth enough to be enjoyed on its own.
Packaged in a beautifully designed bottle that features the Norwegian mountain range, Harahorn Small Batch Gin is a perfect addition to any gin lover's collection. Whether you are seeking an adventure or simply looking for a premium gin with a unique flavor profile, Harahorn Small Batch Gin is the perfect choice.